PhOL - PharmacologyOnLine
Pharmacologyonline is an international journal online.
It is interdisciplinary and aims to bring together different approaches for a diverse readership all over the world in Pharmacology, Ethnopharmacology and Medicinal Plants.
High quality papers will be accepted dealing with any aspect of Pharmacology.
Pharmacologyonline will provide a medium for the publication of high quality, peer-reviewed, original research articles,
reviews and case reports in the field of Pharmacology, Ethnopharmacology and Medicinal Plants. It will be published quarterly.
Pharmacologyonline accepts submissions, presented as original research (Archives and Young Researchers section), short papers,
reviews, correspondence (Newsletter section) and case reports (Case Report section). Submissions regarding all types of papers are welcomed for publication.
In general, all articles submitted are peer reviewed by at least two researchers expert in the field.
Pharmacologyonline is an “
Open Access Journal”!
All articles published are made freely and permanently accessible online immediately upon publication,
without subscription charges or registration barriers.
Authors of articles published in
Pharmacologyonline are the copyright holders of their articles and have granted to any third party,
in advance and in perpetuity, the right to use, reproduce or disseminate the article, according to the SILAE copyright and license agreement.
Article-processing charges
Open access publishing is not without costs.
Pharmacologyonline therefore levies an article-processing charge of €300 (Euro) / $387 (USD) for authors from
European Union, U.S.A., Japan and €120 (Euro) / $155 (USD) for others countries for each article accepted for publication.
For further details, see our
article-processing charge page.
Pharmacologyonline Dates
• Vol.1
April • Vol.2
August • Vol.3
Last published 
Section: | Archives |
Year: | 2021 |
Volume: | 3 |
Published: | December, 30 |
Editorial Board: | PhOL Editorial Board.pdf |
Last published 
Section: | Specialissues |
Year: | 2021 |
Volume: | 1 |
Published: | April, 30 |
Editorial Board: | PhOL Editorial Board.pdf |