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ISSN: 1827-8620

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PhOL - PharmacologyOnLine

Published:December, 30
Editorial Board:xpdf PhOL Editorial Board.pdf

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1.pdf Antioxidant Activity of Ascorbic Acid on Ischemic and Reperfused Rat Heart
Najam Ali Khan, P. Chattopadhyay, A Rai, Kamal Kishore, A. K. Wahi
1-8 82
2.pdf Hypolipidemic Activity of the Aqueous Extract from the Morinda Citrifoloa Leaves in Triton Induced Hyperlipidemic Rats
Gopichandchinta, Prashanthi K, Pushpa kumara. B, D. Sujata, Ranganayakulu.D, Venkateswarlu. M
9-28 279
3.pdf Anti-Inflammatory and Anti-Pyretic Effects of Hexane Fraction of Ardisia Crispa Thunb. D.C
Lau MF, Roslida AH, Sabrina S and Nhareet SM
29-39 153
4.pdf Microscopy, Anti-Diarrhoeal and Reducing Power of Plant Extracts of Bougainvillea Glabra “Snow White”
V.Gupta, M. Singhal, M.George, L. Joseph
40-48 100
5.pdf Antinociceptive Activity of Methanolic Extract of Leaves of Alternanthera Brasiliana Kuntz. in Animal Models of Nociception
C. C. Barua, A. Talukdar, S. A. Begum, D. K. Sarma, D. C. Pathak, P. Borah
49-55 44
6.pdf H2-Receptor Antagonistic Activity of Some N-Substituted 2-Methyl Imidazoles
L. Baskar, Papiya Mitra Mazumder, D. Sasmal and Swastika Ganguly
56-63 229
7.pdf Quality Assessment of Ginkgo Biloba in Diabetic Nephrotoxicity
Moreshwar P. Patil, Mohan K. Kale, Kishore P. Bhusari, Vijay R. Patil
64-72 131
8.pdf Antihypertensive and Vasorelaxant Effects of the Aqueous Extract of Casimiroa Edulis
Vázquez-Cruz B, Vázquez-Muñoz M, Navarrete-Bastida R, Trujillo-González I.D, De Haro R, Segura-Cobos D. Muñoz-López JL
73-83 196
9.pdf Effects of Curcumin, Resveratrol and Ursodeoxycholic Acid on Ethinylestradiol and Chlorpromazine- Induced Intrahepatic Cholestasis in Rats
Shehta A. Said and Dina S. El-Agamy
73-84 118
10.pdf Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective Activity of Methanolic Extracts of Elaeis Guineensis Jacq Leaf
Sasidharan S., Sharmini R., Vijayarathna S., Yoga Latha L., Vijenthi R., Amala R., Amutha S.
84-90 219
Shehta A. Said and Dina S. El-Agamy.
91-100 396
12.pdf Anticonvulsant Activity of Mitragyna Parvifolia Leaves Extract
Dhirender Kaushik, Sukhbir Lal Khokra, Pawan Kaushik and Ankit Saneja
101-106 39
13.pdf Antimicrobial Activity of Ulva Lactuca Extracts and Its Fractions
G. Alang¬¬¬¬, R. Kaur, A. Singh, P.Budlakoti, A. Singh and P.
107-117 196
14.pdf Evaluation of Antidiabetic Effect of Methanolic Extract of Inula Racemosa Root in Rats
H. B. Ajani, H. P. Patel, G. B. Shah, S. R. Acharya and S. K. Shah
118-129 149
15.pdf Study of the Healing Effects of Alcoholic Fractions of Rosa Damascena on the Epithelialization Process of the New Zealand Rabbit’s Ear Wounds
Alireza Mahmoudian, Hasan Rakhshandeh, Jina .Khayatzadeh, Azi Moshtaghi, Mokhtar, Jafarpur
130-135 171
16.pdf Evaluation of the Wound Healing Effect of A Polyherbal Formulation
Pradeep YN, Raju BK, Reema R
136-141 70
17.pdf Sandalwood Oil Treatment During Growth Spurt Period Improves Learning and Enhances Memory
S.S.Biradar, V. P. Rasal, Purnima Ashok
142-155 61
18.pdf Protective Role of Green Tea Extract Against Genotoxic Damage Induced by Anticancer Drug and Steroid Compound, Separately, in Cultured Human Lymphocytes
Gupta J., Siddique Y.H., Beg T., Ara G. and Afzal M.
156-174 206
19.pdf Evaluation of Wound Healing Activity of Red and White Seed Varieties of Abrus Precatorius Linn. Extracts on Rats
M.Sudaroli and Tapan Kumar Chatterjee
175-192 136
20.pdf Anxiolytic Effect of Methanolic Root Extract of Couroupita Guianensis Aubl. in Mouse Models of Anxiety
Shaijesh S Wankhede, Manoj Gambhire, Archana Juvekar
207-212 47
21.pdf Effect of Pentazocine on Wound Healing
P.A. Patil, Suneel .I. Majagi
213-220 249
22.pdf In-Vitro Anti-Inflammatory Activity of Aqueous and Methanol Extracts of Erythrina Indica Lam Leaves
Sakat Sachin S, Tupe Preeti N And Juvekar Archana R
221-229 1002
23.pdf Hepatoprotective Activity of Ethanolic Extract of Hedyotis Corymbosa on Perchloroethylene Induced Rats
M.A. Rathi, D.L. Baffila Pearl, J.M. Sasikumar, V.K. Gopalakrishnan
230-239 188
24.pdf Proconvulsant Activity of Hypericum Perforatum L. Extract Powder and Its Interaction with Phenytoin and Clonazepam in Wistar Rats
Radhika MS, Patil PA, Patil MI, Mayur SS
240-246 112
25.pdf Biochemical Changes In Wistar Rats on Oral Doses of Aqueous Extracts of Leaves of Globimetula Cupulata (Dc) Van Tieghem
David Okon Edem
240-243 235
26.pdf In-Vivo Evaluation of Buccoadhesive Tablets Using Starch-Polymer Combinations
A. Jain, R.S Gaud, A.Thaker, P. Shende
283-297 135
27.pdf Antidiarrheal and Antispasmodic Activity of Wrightia Tinctoria Bark and its Steroidal Alkaloid Fraction
Papiya Bigoniya, Avtar Chand Rana
298-310 141
28.pdf Anti-Inflammatory Activity of Nanogel Formulation of 3-Acetyl-11-Keto-Β-Boswellic Acid
Amit Goel, F.J.Ahmad, R.M.Singh, G.N.Singh
311-318 168
29.pdf Anti-Tyrosinase and Antioxidant Activity of Lavandula Sp. Extracts
Sariri R., Seifzadeh S. and Sajedi R.H.
319-326 176
30.pdf The Anticancer Activity of Five Species of Artemisia on Hep2 and HepG2 Cell Lines
Seyed Ahmad Emami, Nasser Vahdati-Mashhadian, Remisa Vosough and Mohammad Bagher Oghazian
327-339 133
31.pdf Suppression Of Hepatic Tnf-Α And Tgf-Β Gene Expressions In Rats With Induced Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis
Rahim Amini, Razieh Yazdanparast
340-350 361
32.pdf Anticataleptic Effect Of Phyllanthus Maderaspatensis Linn Leaves.
Sunil A. Nirmal, V. V. Dhasade, D. C. Shinde, Nachiket S. Dighe, S. R. Pattan and Subhash C. Mandal
351-355 91
33.pdf The Influence Of Some Antidepressants On Inflammation In Albino Rats
Harmander Singh, Patil. P.A, Hashilkar N.K, Mittal Rakesh
356-365 329
34.pdf Hepatoprotective Activity of Abrus Precatorius Linn. against Paracetamol Induced Hepatotoxicity in Rats
G.R Battu, B.M. Kumar
366-375 52
35.pdf Long Term Effect of Ceftriaxone in Black Bengal Goats after Repeated Intramuscular Administration
Bakul Kr. Datta, Sanjib Khargharia, Aditi Chakraborty, Tapan Kr. Mandal, Animesh Kr. Chakraborty
376-393 135
36.pdf Antioxidant and Antihemolytic Potentials of Physospermum Cornobiense (L.) Dc.
Ebrahimzadeh M.A., Nabavi S.F., Eslami B., Nabavi S.M.
394-403 117
37.pdf Pentoxifylline (TNFα-Inhibitor) Attenuates Colchicine Induced Apoptotic Amnesia In Mice
Kamal Kishore
404-411 175
38.pdf Anticonvulsant Effect Of Citrus Bigaradia Duh. Leaves Extracts In Mice
Hossein Hosseinzadeh, S. K. Mohssen Sayadi, Elahe Taghiabadi, Bibi majan Razavi
412-418 98
39.pdf Anti – Ulcer Activity Of Polyherbal Formulation - RO7D on Experimentally Inducd Ulcer In Rats
Jaikumar. S., Asokan. BR., Sengottuvelu. S. and Ramaswamy. S.
419-423 38
40.pdf Biochemical Alterations of Liver Enzymes and Microelements During Leishmania Major Infection In Balb/C Mice After Treatment with Paromomycin
Sharareh Davachi, Hossein Nahrevanian, Eskandar Omidinia, Reza Hajihosseini, Marzyeh Amini, Mahin Farahmand, Fatemeh Mirkhani, Seifoddin Javadian
424-436 142
41.pdf Formation of Highly Bioactive Silver Nanoparticles and their Antibacterial Activity
Manish Dubey, Seema Bhadauria, Kanhiya Mahour, R. K. Gautam
437-446 734
42.pdf Anti-Inflammatory and Analgesic Activity of Benzodiazepines and Their Interaction with Aspirin In Wistar Rats.
Ajay Madan, P.A. Patil, Suneel.I.Majagi
447-456 160
43.pdf Evaluation f Antiamnesic Potentials of Calotropis Procera in Mice.
C. C. Gavimath, V. Havannavar, P. Hulekal, P. Pattar and Hanumanthachar Joshi
457-462 174
44.pdf Effect of Ondansetron on Convulsions and its Interactions with Phenytoin.
G.J.Puthuran, P.A. Patil, Suneel.I.Majagi
463-469 151
45.pdf Evaluation of Antihypercholesterolemic Activity of Antichol Against Cholesterol Cocktail Induced Hypercholesterolemia in Rats
Venu Pamidiboina, Satheesh Hanakere Chikkaboraiah, Rema Razdan, Praveen Thaggikuppe Krishnamurthy
470-478 390
46.pdf Contraceptive Evaluation of Oil Extract of Seeds of Mimosa Pudica (L) in Male Wistar Rats
Raghunath D.Pokharkar, Rajeshwari .K.Saraswat, Minal G. Kanawade
479-488 150
47.pdf Antimicrobial And Analgesic Activities Of Trikatu Churna And Its Ingredients
B. Uma Reddy and Y.N. Seetharam
489-495 61
48.pdf Analgesic and Anti-Inflammatory Activity of Methanolic Extract of Vitis Vinifera Leaves
Jyoti Singh, Ajay Kumar Singh and Anand Singh
496-504 57
49.pdf Evaluation of Wound Healing Potential of Poly Herbal Formulation
Sanjay.Prahalad Umachigi, Jayaveera K.N., Ashok kumar C.K.
505-512 1058
50.pdf Antioxidant and Hypoglycemic Activity of Some Indian Medicinal Plants
Dhan Prakash, Pankaj Kumar, Neeraj Kumar
513-521 289
51.pdf Study of Noscapine-Induced Cell Death In Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cell Line
054. Tayarani-Najaran, Z., Parsaee, H., Hoseini, A. Mousavi, S. H.
522-530 384
52.pdf In Vivo Antischistosomal and Toxicological Evaluation of Sida Pilosa Retz on Mice BALB/C
H.B. Jatsa, A.M.E. Endougou, D.R.A. Kemeta, C.M. Kenfack, L.A. Tchuem Tchuente, P. Kamtchouing
531-538 172
53.pdf Circadian Variation of Antinociceptive Effect of Adenosine and Adenosine A1 Receptor Agonists, N6-Phenylisopropyl Adenosine and 2-Chloroadenosine, in Mice
Hossein Hosseinzadeh, Masomeh Fadishei, Bibi Marjan Razavi, Elahe Taghiabadi
539-543 160
54.pdf Anti-Lipid Peroxidative Activities of Cynodon Dactylon and Moringa Oleifera Against ELA Induced Mice
R. Santhi, K. Kalaiselvi and S.Annapoorani
544-549 108
55.pdf Hypoglycemic and Hypolipidemic Activity of Wrightia Tinctoria L. in Alloxan Induced Diabetes in Albino Wistar Rats.
R. Ashok Raj, A. Saravana Kumar, R. Gandhimathi
550-559 131
56.pdf The Effect of PTZ - Induced Seizures on Neuronal Damage in Amygdala of Rats
Fariba Karimzadeh, Hassan Alavi, Ali Reza Mahmoudian, Gholam Reza Hassanzadeh, Mahmoud Hosseini
560-566 129
57.pdf Increased Levels of Asymmetric Dimethyl Arginine (ADMA) in Population at Risk for Cardiovascular Disease; A Study From Central India
Ashok Sahu, Trapti Gupta, Purnima Dey Sarkar, R.K.Singh
567-575 49
58.pdf Phytochemical Screening Antiepileptic& Analgesic Activity of Leaf Extract of Passiflora Foetida
Pavan Kumar reddy K., Bhagavan Raju M., Sreedevi P., Pranali Pandit, Veena Rani I., Veena G.
576-580 32
59.pdf In-Vitro Antioxidant Activity of Extracts of Avipattikar Churna
Ujjwal Kaushik, Prachiti Lachake, C. S. Shreedhara, H. N. Aswatha Ram
581-589 199
60.pdf Total Phenolic Contents and Antioxdant Activities of Ficus Sycomorus and Azadirachta Indica
Mortada M. El-Sayed, Maher M. El-Hashash, Eman A. El-Wakil and Mosad A. Ghareeb
590-602 66
61.pdf Chromium Heavy Metal Resistance Activity of Marine Streptomyces Vitsvk5 Spp. (GQ848482)
Kumar Saurav and K. Kannabiran
603-613 674
62.pdf Evaluation of Antbacterial, Antifungal and Antioxidant Activity of Essentail Oil of Citrus Reticulata Fruit (Tangerine Fruit Peel)
Khurram Shahzad, Shaista Nawaz, Rauf Ahmad, Nabiha Akram, and Zafar Iqbal
614-622 320
63.pdf Analgesic and Anti-Microbial Activity of Fagonia Indica
S. Sharma, L. Joseph, M. George, V. Gupta
623-632 230
64.pdf Hepatosuppression by Adhatoda vasica against CCl4 Induced Liver Toxicity in Rat
Shirish S. Pingale
633-639 160
65.pdf Nephroprotective and Curative Activity of Lepidium Sativum L. Seeds in Albino Rats Using Cisplatin Induced Nephrotoxicity
Yogesh Chand Yadav, D.N. Srivastav, A.K. Seth, V.D. Gupta, Kuldeep S. Yadav, Sharad Kumar
640-646 215
66.pdf Antidepressant Activity of Corn Silk
Ebrahimzadeh M. A. , Mahmoudi M., Ahangar N., Ehteshami S., Ansaroudi F., Nabavi S. F. and Nabavi S. M.
647-652 140
67.pdf Phytochemistry and Immunopharmacological Investigation of Rubia Cordifolia Linn. (Rubiaceae)
Marikani Kannan, Ranjit Singh and Narayanan
653-662 71
68.pdf Immunomodulatory Activities of Wrightia tinctoria (Roxb.) R.Br Bark Extracts
Patricia Thabah, G. Murugananthan, Naresh Chandra Joshi, Nandakumar K, K. Lakshman, Sahil Talwar
663-669 131
69.pdf Comparison of Antihypertensive Efficacy of Labetolol, Nifedipine and Methyl Dopa In Pregnancy Induced Hypertension
Bharathi KN, Prasad KVSRG, Jagannath Pairu, Naik BC
670-678 158
70.pdf Neuroprotective Effect of Salvia Staminea Alcoholic Extract on Peripheral Nerve Degeneration After Sciatic Nerve Compression in Rats
Maryam Tehranipour and Tooba Ghadamyari
679-687 58
71.pdf Antioxidant Activity of Vicia Canescence
Ebrahimzadeh M.A, Nabavi S.M., Nabavi S.F., Eslami B.
688-694 171
72.pdf Screening and Assessment of Anti Diabetic and Reactive Oxygen Scavenging (ROS) Effects of Herbs in Streptozotacin Induced Mice.
Susmit Kosta, Archana Tiwari
695-704 137
73.pdf Screening of Anti-Inflammatory and Analgesic Activities of Nyctanthes Arbor-Tristis Linn.
Gulecha V. S, Nemade C.T, Khandare R.A, Mahajan M.S
705-715 169
74.pdf Antioxidant and Antihemolytic Activities of Crucianella Sintenisii
Ebrahimzadeh M.A., Rahmani Z., Eslami B., Nabavi S.F. and Nabavi S.M
716-723 181
75.pdf Protective Activity of HAB-E-JUND a Unani Formulation against Convulsions in Mice
Anupama Koneru, S. Satyanarayana, K. Mukkanti, K. Abedulla Khan and K. Pavan Kumar
724-731 214
76.pdf Investigation of Antihyperglycemic Effect of Morus Nigra on Blood Glucose Level in Streptozotocin Diabetic Rats
Hassan Fallah Hoseini, Soodabeh Saeidnia, Ahmad R. Gohari, Mojgan Yazdanpanah, Abbass Hadjiakhoondi
732-736 169
77.pdf Antiinflammatory, Analgesic and Antipyretic Effect Of Hibiscus Rosa Sinesis Linn Flower
R. B. Birari, S.S. Jalapure, S. R. Changrani, S. L. Shid, M. V. Tote and B. M. Habade
737-747 196
78.pdf Antihyperglycaemic Activity of Cicer Arietinum Seeds
Bapuso V.Yadav, Tushar A Deshmukh, Sachin L Badole, Hanamantrao M. Kadam, Subhash L. Bodhankar and Sunil R.Dhaneshwar
748-757 100
79.pdf Immunomodulatory Activity of Leaves of Solanum trilobatum in Experimental Rats
N. R. Livingston Raja, G.Vinotha Pooshan, V.V. Venkatachalam, M.Vijayakumar
758-765 134
80.pdf Insulin Resistance Or Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis: Which Is The Target Of Silybum Maranum?
Narges Nosrati, Razieh Yazdanparast and Mahsa Molaei
766-773 306
81.pdf Tartrazine Induced Haematological And Serological Changes In Female Swiss Albino Mice, Mus Musculus
Gunjan Sharma, Dolly Gautam and R. P. Goyal
774-788 126
82.pdf Hypoglycemic Activity of Bambusa Arundinacea Leaf Aqueous Extract in Euglycemic and Hyperglycemic Wistar Rats
Joshi RK, Patil PA, Mujawar MHK, Kumar D, Kholkute SD
789-795 224
83.pdf Effect of Hibiscus Rosa Sinensis Extract on Modifying Cyclophosphamide Induced Genotoxicity And Scavenging Free Radicals In Swiss Albino Mice.
Khatib NA, Gautam Ghoshal, Hashilkar Nayana, Joshi RK, Taranalli AD.
796-808 144
84.pdf Anticonvulsant Activity of Saussurea Lappa
Gupta Pushpraj S, Jadhav S S, Ghaisas M M, Deshpande A D
809-814 43
85.pdf Hypoglycemic Activity of Aqueous Leaf Extract of Feronia Elephantum in Normal and Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Rats
Joshi RK, Patil P A, Muzawar MHK, Kumar D and Kholkute SD
815-821 169
86.pdf In Vivo Evaluation of Dexamethasone Sodiumphosphate Nanoparticles for Post Cataract Treatment
V.Sankar, V. Harikrishnan, L. Madhura keerthi, K.G .Prasanth, D.Sundar, K.Ruckmani
822-828 43
87.pdf Effect of Eugenia Jambolana Leaves Extracts on Blood Glucose Levels of Experimental Diabetic Rabbits
M. Imran Qadir, Tehzeeb-Ul-Nisa, Salman Akbar Malik
829-835 105
88.pdf Protective Activity of Commelina Benghalensis- Root Extracts Against Paracetamol Induced Hepatic Damage in Wistar Rats
Sambrekar SN, Patil PA, Kangralkar VA
836-844 255
89.pdf Influence of Methanolic Extract of Syzygium Cumini Seeds on the Activity of Gliclazide in Normal and Alloxan-Induced Diabetic Rats
SK Mastan, T Bhavya Latha, T Sri Latha, A Srikanth, G Chaitanya and K Eswar Kumar
845-850 99
90.pdf Evaluation of the In Vitro Antioxidant and Iron Chelating Activity of Gymnema Sylvestre
Rhitajit Sarkar, Bibhabasu Hazra, Santanu Biswas and Nripendranath Mandal
851-865 370
91.pdf The Effect of Nasturtium Officinale on Blood Glucose Level in Diabetic Rats
Hassan Fallah Hoseini, Ahmad R. Gohari, Soodabeh Saeidnia, Naghi Shahabi Majd, Abbass Hadjiakhoondi
866-871 40
92.pdf Intestinal Lesions of Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetes and the Effects of Azadirachta Indica Treatment
Oluwole B. Akinola, Laura Zatta, Olufunke O. Dosumu, Oluwafunmike S. Akinola, Akinlolu A. Adelaja, Luciana Dini, Ezekiel A. Caxton-Martins
872-881 374
93.pdf New Experimental Design: Dehydration Induced Uremia And Oxidative Stress On Male Albino Rats, Innovative Approach To Researchers For Further Study On Kidney Dis
Koushik Das, Tanushree Tulsian (Samanta), Debidas Ghosh and Dilip Kumar Nandi
882-892 85
94.pdf Relaxant Effects Of Achillea Wilhelmsi On Guinea-Pig Tracheal Chains
MH. Boskabady, N. Eftekhar, M. Kaveh, A. Nemati
893-899 53
95.pdf Antiulcer Activity of Traditional Formulation in Wistar Rats
Dushyant Kumar, P A Patil, H V Hegde, Kuntal Ganguly, S D Kholkute
900-904 137
96.pdf Contraceptive Evaluations of Oil Extract of Seeds of Abrus Precatorius (L) in Male Albino Rats
Raghunath D.Pokharkar, Rajeshwari .K.Saraswat, Minal G. Kanawade
905-914 165
97.pdf Wound Healing Activity of Methanol Extract of Murraya Koenigii Leaves
Shailly Gupta, Mathew George, Manmohan Singhal, Vikas Garg
915-923 162
98.pdf Antihistaminic Activity of Nyctanthes Arbortristis Bark
Sunil A. Nirmal, Subodh C. Pal and Subhash C. Mandal
924-928 149
99.pdf Antiinflammatory Effect Of Premna Latifolia Leaves
N. B. Mahire, M.V.Tote, A.P. Jain, V. R. Undale and A. V. Bhosle
929-937 193
100.pdf Postoperative Analgesia for Arthroscopic Knee Surgery: a Comparison Between Intra-Articular Bupivacaine alone or in Combination with Magnesium Sulphate or Cloni
Paul Suhrita, Bhattacharjee Dhurjati Prasad, Ghosh Sandip, Dawn Satrajit, Chatterjee Niloy
938-943 157
101.pdf Free Radical Scavenging Activity of Polyherbal Formulation
Rathi Aarti, Burle Sushil , Tenpe C.R., and Yeole P.G.
944-951 206
102.pdf Free Radical Scavenging Activity of Polyherbal Formulation
Rathi Aarti, Burle Sushil , Tenpe C.R., and Yeole P.G.
944-951 206
952-965 348
104.pdf Evalution of Antihistaminic Activity of Leaves of Piper Betel Linn.
Jawale N. M., Shewale A. B., Nerkar G. S., Patil V. R.
966-977 192
105.pdf Antinociceptive and Anti Inflammatory Activity of Achyranthes Aspera L. Extracts
Mehta F.A, Patel B.G, Pandya S.S, Ahir K.B and Patel S.B
978-985 161
106.pdf Estimation of Cytochrome B5 Reductase Activity in Red Blood Cells of Rattus Norvegicus after the Treatment of Trichloroacetic Acid
Yasir Hasan Siddique, Gulshan Ara, Jyoti Gupta, Tanveer Beg, Mohammad Afzal
986-990 134
107.pdf Free Radical Scavenging and Anti-Inflammatory Activity of Indian Propolis
R. Ambardekar, S. Gilda, K. Mahadik, A. Harsulkar and A. Paradkar
991-1002 214
108.pdf Study the Frequncy of CYP2D6*4 Null Allele In Iranian Population
Homaei-Shandiz F., Brook A., Tavakol Afshari J., Mohammad Pour A.H., Ganjali R., Morad Abbassi Fuladi J. , Saleh Moghadam M., Norouzy R, Afzalaghaee
1003-1007 577
109.pdf The Interaction Between Quinine and Trimethylamine in the Formalin Test
Marjan Nassiri-Asl, Esmail Abbasi, Mohammad Hajiabadi, Abolfazl Nouri, Amir-Abdollah Zangivand, Soror Saebi, Fatemeh Hashemi, Hanieh Farhoudi
1008-1014 169
110.pdf Effect of Purification (Sodhana) on the Acute Toxicity of Seeds of Nux-Vomica
Gopalkrishna SV, Lakshminarsu M, Ramachandra Setty S
1015-1024 983
111.pdf The Effect of Lipocare on Markers of Dyslipidaemia in Mild Hypercholesterolemic Humans
Miji.T.V, Surya Sukumar , Soumya.P.S, Uma.C
1025-1030 795
112.pdf Inhibition of Xanthine Oxidase by Some Iranian Plant Remedies Used for Gout
Ali Roohbakhsh, Jamal Shamsara, Mohammad Hasanzadeh Khayyat, Gholamreza Karimi
1031-1036 168
113.pdf Pharmacokinetic Study of Progesterone Capsules in Post Menopausal Females of India Under Fasting Condition
Raghunatha P, Shivaprakash R, Shital P, Jagruti P
1037-1046 1025
114.pdf Alterations in Biochemical And Histopathological Profile of Liver in Distillery Soil Leachate Treated Swiss Albino Mice (Mus Musculus L.)
Subhasini Sharma, Kalpana Sharma, Nivedita Yadav and K.P. Sharma
1047-1053 1164
115.pdf Antidiabetic and Antioxidant Potential of Coleus Aromaticus Leaf Extracts in Alloxan Induced Diabetic Rats
Subhas Candrappa M, Shivakumar Hugar, Itgappa M,Nagarajappa K
1054-1061 153
116.pdf Study the Cytotoxic and Pro-Apoptotic Activity of Artemisia Annua Extracts
Seyed Ahmad Emami, Shahrzad Zamani Taghizadeh Rabe, Ali Ahi, Mahmoud Mahmoudi, Nafiseh Tabasi
1062-1069 369

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