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ISSN: 1827-8620

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PhOL - PharmacologyOnLine

Published:April, 30
Editorial Board:xpdf PhOL Editorial Board.pdf

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1.pdf Measurement of GABA and Glycine in Planarians
Scott M. Rawls, Gregory W. Stagliano, Teresa Gomez, and Robert B. Raffa
1-7 58
2.pdf Fluorescence Monitoring of Mitochondrial Components of Oxidative Phosphorilation of Post-Synaptic Activation in Neocortical Slices in the Mouse
Stefano Loizzo, Irene Guarino, Andrea Fortuna, Alberto Loizzo
8-13 110
3.pdf DNA Damage Measurement Using a Modified Protocol of Sperm Chromatin Dispersion Test
Gutiérrez R, Bécquer P, Pandolfi. A, Cuevillas G, Pupo J, Hernández EW, Riverón G, Pereira N, Cuétara E.
14-19 121
4.pdf Oxidative Markers and Antioxidant Defences in Patients Diagnosed with Probable Alzheimer Disease
Riverón G, Cuétara E, Hernández EW, Bécquer P, Acosta T, Marín L, Pereira N, Gutiérrez R, Pupo J, Martínez O, Pandolfi. A, Cuevillas G and Llibre JJ.
20-24 61
5.pdf Hepatoprotective Activity of Enicostema Axillare Against CCl4 –Induced Hepatic Injury in Rats.
V.N. Gite, R.D.Deshmukh, R.T. Sane, S.B. Takate, R.D. Pokharkar
25-30 43
6.pdf Cytopathological Changes in Oral Epithelium Induced by Crack Cocaine Smoking
Antônio Adilson Soares de LIMA, Iverson Ernani Cogo WOYCEICHOSKI, Adriana Bueno BATISTA, Ana Maria Trindade GRÉGIO, Sérgio Aparecido IGNÁCIO, Maria Ângela Naval MACHADO, Luciana Reis AZEVEDO
31-40 123
7.pdf Antinociceptive Effect of the Methanolic Extract of Roots of Andrachne Aspera in Three Models of Nociception
Eyob Debebe, Eyasu Makonnen and Asfaw Debella
41-48 60
8.pdf A Study on CNS Effects of Milk Extract of Nuts of Semecarpus Anacardium. Linn, (Anacardiaceae)
S. M. Farooq, T. R. Alla, N. Venkat Rao, K. Prasad, Shalam, K. Nandakumar, T. S. Gouda, S. Satyanarayana
49-63 162
9.pdf Anticonvulsant Effect of Origanum Majorana L.
Dipti N. Deshmane, Chhaya H. Gadgoli, Ganesh V. Halade
64-78 182
10.pdf Effect of Methanol Seed Extract of Strychnos Potatorum on Accessory Sex Organs of Male Albino Rats
R. S. Gupta, M. Kanwar and J.B.S. Kachhawa
79-83 129
11.pdf In Vitro Evidences of Discret Alterations in the Bacterial Resistance/Susceptibility Profiles Induced by Antineoplastic Agents
Cláudio Luiz Gusso, Vânia Mari Salvi Andrzejevski, Rosimeire Takaki Rosa, Edvaldo Antonio Ribeiro Rosa
84-90 65
12.pdf In Vitro Antioxidant Potential Evaluation of Euphorbia Hirta L.
Nilesh Kumar Sharma, Sreela Dey, Ramasare Prasad
91-98 93
13.pdf Anabolic Activity of Alcoholic Extract of Piper Guineense In Immature Castrated Rat
Miegueu Pierre, Mbongue Fandjio Gisele Yollande , Assongalem Asha Emmanuel, Dzeufiet Djomeni Paul Désiré, Dimo Théophile and Kamtchouing Pierre
99-107 93
14.pdf In Vitro Activity of Organic Leaf/Stem Extracts From Marrubium Vulgare and Mentha Spicata Against Entamoeba Histolytica and Giardia Lamblia
Ramos-Guerra M.C., Mata-Cárdenas B.D., Vargas-Villarreal J., Sampayo-Reyes A., González-Salazar F., Morales-Vallarta M., Said-Fernández S.
108-112 30
15.pdf Rajgira Leaf Extract Prevents Intestinal Mucosa Against Radiation Induced Oxidative Stress: A Quantitative Study
M.R. Saini and J. Maharwal
113-124 270
16.pdf Evaluation of Radical Scavenging Activity of Certain Plant Extracts Using Cell Free Assays
R.M. Samarth and Vivek Krishna
125-137 53
17.pdf Possible Anxiolytic Activity of Trans-01, a Polyherbal Formulation in Mice
Md. Shalam, Sm Shantakumar, M.Laxmi Narasu
138-145 49
18.pdf Neuropharmacological Profile of Trans-01 a Polyherbal Formulation in Mice
Md. Shalam, SM Shantakumar, M.Laxmi Narasu
146-151 39
19.pdf Preliminary Aphrodisiac Activity of Hybanthus Enneaspermus in Rats
Narayanswamy V.B, M.Manjunatha Setty, S.Malini, Annie Shirwaikar
152-161 118
20.pdf Hypoglycaemic Activity of Roots of Rubia Cordifolia in Normal and Diabetic Rats
Rahul S. Somani, Kishor S. Jain, Abhay K. Singhai
162-169 126
21.pdf Melatonin’s Effects on Free Radical Levels in Rat Hippocampus, Measured by Electronic Paramagnetic Resonance.
Velázquez-Paniagua M, Contreras-Pérez R, Gómez-Vidales V, Meneses-Pérez M.A. and Prieto-Gómez B
170-175 239
176-189 79
23.pdf Effects of Berberis Vulgaris Fruit Extracts and Its Active Component, Berberine, on morphine Dependence, Hypnosis and Locomotor Activity in Mice
Marjan Nassiri-Asl, Hossein Hosseinzadeh, Seyed Reza Mortasavi
190-202 94
24.pdf Amelioration of CCl4-Induced Hepatosuppression by Nyctanthes Arbortristis Linn Leaves in Wistar Albino Rats.
R.D.Deshmukh, R.D. Pokharkar, S.B.Takate, V.N. Gite
203-208 44
25.pdf Antidiabetic and Hypolipidemic Effects of Canarium Schweinfurthii Hexane Bark Extract in Streptozotocin-Diabetic Rats
C.C.N. Kouambou, T. Dimo, P.D.D. Dzeufiet, F.T. Ngueguim, M.C. Tchamadeu, E.F. Wembe, P. Kamtchouing
209-219 60
26.pdf Effect of Single Dose of Cyclophosphamide on Development of Gonadal Ridge In Rats – A Priliminary Study
Biswabina Ray, Bhagath Kumar Potu
220-231 152
27.pdf Protective Nature of Murraya Koenigii Leaves Against Epatosuppression Through Antioxidant Status in Experimental Rats
R.S. Gupta and Dharmendra Singh
232-242 61
28.pdf Cytomorphometric Study of Normal Buccal Mucosa of Alcoholic Individuals
Adriana Bueno Batista, Ezequiane Dias Hase, Ana Maria Trindade Grégio, Sérgio Aparecido Ignácio, Beatriz Helena Sottile França, Antônio Adilson Soares de Lima
243-251 103
29.pdf Effects of Human Placental Extract on Age Related Antioxidant Enzyme Status in D-Galactose Treated Mice
Vaibhav Shinde, Kamlesh Dhalwal, A.R. Paradkar and K.R. Mahadik
252-261 66
30.pdf Screening for Antidepressant-Like Activity of Convolvulus Pluricaulis Choisy in Mice
Dinesh Dhingra and Rekha Valecha
262-278 155
31.pdf Anticestodal Efficacy of Acacia Oxyphylla on Raillietina Echinobothrida: A Light and Electron Microscopic Studies
Bisshnupada Roy, Kholhring Lalchhandama, and Biman Kumar Dutta
279-287 886
32.pdf Analgesic and Anti-inflammatory Activity of Heartwood of Aquilaria Agallocha in Laboratory Animals
Trupti Chitre, Pravin Bhutada, K. Nandakumar, Rahul Somani, Pankaj Miniyar, Yogita Mundhada, Sumati Gori, Kishor Jain
288-298 59
33.pdf Evaluation of Leishmanicidal Effect of Perovskia Abrotanoides Karel. Root Extract by In Vitro Leishmanicidal Assay Using Promastigotes of Leishmania Major
Mahmood Reza Jaafari, Sana Hooshmand, Afshin Samiei, Hossein Hossainzadeh
299-303 49
34.pdf Acute and Sub-Acute Toxicity Profile of the Aqueous Stem Bark Extract of Enantia Chlorantha Oliver (Annonaceae) in Laboratory Animals
Paul V. Tan, Maurice Boda, George E. Enow-Orock, François-Xavier ETOA, Pauline Bitolog
304-313 733
35.pdf Synthesis and Anti-Inflammatory Activity of Some Benzimidazole-2-Carboxylic Acids
Prasad A. Thakurdesai, Sudhir G. Wadodkar, Chandrabhan T. Chopade
314-329 103
36.pdf Influence of Benazepril on Glucose Lowering Effect of Glipizide in Normal and Diabetic Rats
Kona Prasad, T.S. Gouda, N. Venkata Rao, Md. Shalam, S.M. Shantakumar
330-338 68
37.pdf Acute Toxicolgical Studies of Acanthus Montanus (Nees) T. Anderson (Acanthaceae) in Wistar Rats
Nana Paulin, Asongalem Emmanuel Acha, Foyet Harquin Simplice, Dimo Théophile, Kamtchouing Pierre
339-348 73
38.pdf A Study on Adaptogenic Activity of Stem Extracts of Tinospora Malabarica (Lamk)
Brijmohan Sharma, T. Shivaraj Gouda, N.Venkat Rao, Md. Shalam, SM Shantakumar, M.Laxmi Narasu
349-358 75
39.pdf Alterations in Oxidative Stress in Testes of Swiss Albino Mice by Aloe vera Leaf Extract after Gamma Irradiation
Prashasnika Gehlot, Dhanraj Soyal and P.K.Goyal
359-370 303
40.pdf Laxative Activity of Spray Dired Aqueous Seed Extract Linum Usitatissimum
Ashok Kumar BS, Prabhakar V, Lakshman K, and Narayana Swamy VB
371-378 143
41.pdf Development of Transdermal Matrix System of Captopril Based on Cellulose Derivative
Sunita Jain and Suresh C. Joshi
379-390 1237
42.pdf Antihepatotoxic Activity of 5–Hydroxy 3,4’,6,7–Tetramethoxy Flavone from Achillea Millefolium
Chhaya Gadgoli, S.H.Mishra
391-399 79
43.pdf Pro-Sexual Effects of Dracaena Arborea (Wild) Link (Dracaenaceae) in Sexually Experienced Male Rats
400-419 201
44.pdf Evaluation of Laxative Activity of Chitrakadi Vati, an Ayurvedic Formulation in Rats
Ashok Kumar BS, Deepa L, Lakshman K, Satish KV, Chandra Shekar KB and Narayan Swamy VB
420-423 35
45.pdf Anti-inflammatory and Antidiarrhoeal Activities of Ethanol Extract of Ipomea Obscura
Ashok Kumar, B.S, Dhanasekaran, S, Suresh B, and Seshadri Sekhar D
424-435 38
46.pdf Effect of Dillenia Pentagyna Extract on the Level of Sialic Acid and Lipid Peroxidation in Dalton’s Lymphoma-Bearing Mice
Gabriel Rosangkima & Surya Bali Prasad
436-450 173
47.pdf Effect of Ammomum Subulatum on Oxidative Stress and Atherosclerosis in Cholesterol Fed Rabbits
Suresh C. Joshi and Visheshata Joshi
451-463 67
48.pdf Sexual Stimulant Effects of the Aqueous and Methanolic Extracts from the Leaves of Bersama Engleriana in Adult Male Rats
Pierre WATCHO, Amie MEKEMDJIO, Télesphore Benoît NGUELEFACK and Albert KAMANYI
464-476 114
49.pdf Influence of the Ultrasound in Cutaneous Permeation of the Caffeine: In Vitro Study
Pires-de-Campos MSM, Polacow MLO, Granzotto TM, Spadari-Bratfisch RC, Leonardi GR, Grassi-Kassisse DM.
477-486 74
50.pdf Studies on Antiasthmatic Activity of Aqueous Extract of Clerodendron Phlomidis
Gautam P. Vadnere, Rahul S. Somani, Abhay K. Singhai
487-494 64
51.pdf Effects of Brillantaisia Nitens Lindau (Acanthaceae) Methylene Chloride/Methanol Leaf Extract on Rat Arterial Blood Pressure and Heart Rate
Bopda Mtopi O.S., Dimo T., Nguelefack T.B., Dzeufiet Djomeni D., Rakotonirina S.V., Kamtchouing P.
495-510 136
52.pdf Evaluation of Laxative Activity of Kabz-Gul (An Herbal Churna) In Rats
Ashok Kumar BS, Vamshi Krishna N, Chandra Shekar K.B., Narayan Swamy VB, Lakshman K, and Sree Krishna V.
511-515 40
53.pdf Comparative Study on Anti-Hypertensive Effects of Amlodipine and Enalapril in Primary Hypertension
Kadir Alam, Gulam Mohamed Khan, Rajendra Koju, Panna Thapa
516-528 77
54.pdf Antiulcer, Anti-Inflammatory and Analgesic Activities of Leaf Extracts of Pongania Pinnata Linn (Fabaceae)
N. Venkat Rao, P.K.M. Nagaratna, S. Satyanarayana, K. Hemamalini, S.M.S.Kumar
529-538 65
55.pdf In vitro Antioxidant Actions of Musa Paradisiaca L. Extract (Acitan)
MR Pérez Capote, G Martínez Sánchez, OS León Fernández
539-544 119
56.pdf Effect of Rosmarinus Officinalis on DMBA-Induced Mouse Skin Tumorigenesis: A Preliminary Study
Garima Sancheti and PK Goyal
545-556 108
57.pdf Hypolipidemic Activity of Aerva Lanata on Ethylene Glycol Induced Calcium Oxalate Urolithiasis in Rats
P. Soundararajan, R. Mahesh, T. Ramesh, V. Hazeena Begum
557-563 47
58.pdf Anxiolytic and Anticonvulsant Activity of Alcoholic Extract of Heartwood of Aquilaria Agallocha Roxb, (Thymelaeceae) in Mice
Thirupathi Alla, Mukund Handral, Nandakumar K, Venkatrao N, Shalam, Satyanaryana, Shantakumar SM
564-572 55
59.pdf Antimicrobial Activity of the Extract From the Twigs of Dorstenia Elliptica (Moraceae)
Victor Kuete, Bathélémy Ngameni, Armelle Mbaveng Tsafack, Pantaléon Ambassa, Ingrid Konga Simo, Merhatibeb Bezabih, François-Xavier Etoa, Bonaventure Tchaleu Ngadjui, Berhanu M. Abegaz and Véronique P
573-580 57
60.pdf Effect of Antipyrine on Disposition Kinetics of Ciprofloxacin in Dogs
Humaira Akhtar, Faqir Muhammad, Muhammad Salman Akhtar and Muhammad Shoaib Akhtar
581-587 151

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