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ISSN: 1827-8620

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PhOL - PharmacologyOnLine

Published:August, 30
Editorial Board:xpdf PhOL Editorial Board.pdf

      Title Pages Size(kB)
1.pdf Pharmacological Activity of Andrographis Paniculata: A Brief Review
Biswa Deepak Bharati, Pramod Kumar Sharma, Nitin Kumar, Rupesh Dudhe and Vipin Bansal
1-10 475
2.pdf Preliminary Studies on Effect of Biodiversity on Activity of Polyalthia Longifolia
Pankaj Pradhan, Mahesh Jhajharia, Rahul Chulet, Deepak Yagnik.
11-15 148
3.pdf Phytochemical, Antioxidant and Antimicrobial study of Flowers of Nyctanthes arbor-tristis Linn.
K. K. Srinivasan, Amit Goomber, Suthar Sharad Kumar, Angel Treasa Thomas, Alex Joseph
16-21 166
4.pdf Thin Layer Chromatographic Studies and Evaluation of Analgesic Activity of Andrographis Paniculata Leaf Extracts in Mice
J. N. Pande, Moulisha Biswas, L. K. Ghosh, B. K. Gupta
22-27 557
5.pdf In Situ Gelling System - An Overview
Aman Kant, Suchetha Reddy, Shankraiah.M.M. Venkatesh.J.S, Nagesh.C
28-44 4295
6.pdf Comparative Study of Cinnadmon Oil & Clove Oil On Some Oral Microbiota
Charu Gupta, Amar P. Garg, Dhan Prakash, Archana Kumari and Sneh Gupta
45-49 146
7.pdf Formulation and Evaluation of Transdermal Patches of Losartan Potassium
Shrinal Patel, Nirav Shah, Nagesh.C, Venkatesh.J.S, Shankraiah.M
50-57 228
8.pdf Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptors (PPARS): A Target with a Broad Therapeutic Potential for Human Diseases: An Overview
Manish Pal Singh, Devendra Pathak, Gyanendra K. Sharma, & C. S. Sharma
58-89 1111
9.pdf HIV Vaccines: Present Scenario and Future Prospects
Aranjani Mathew Jesil, Atulya M, Palanimuthu Vasanth Raj, and J. Venkata Rao
90-103 1098
10.pdf Hypohydrotic Ectodermal Dysplasia (Christ-Siemens-Touraine syndrome)
N.B.Prabhavathi, Lakshmi Sowjanya .N, J.Mastanaiah, B.Samyuktha Rani
90-103 1098
11.pdf Hypohydrotic Ectodermal Dysplasia (Christ-Siemens-Touraine syndrome)
N.B.Prabhavathi, Lakshmi Sowjanya .N, J.Mastanaiah, B.Samyuktha Rani
104-127 1173
12.pdf Evaluation of Cassia Auriculata Leaves for its Potent Biological Activity
Yogesh Parmar and Guno Sindhu Chakraborthy
128-133 146
13.pdf High-Throughput Screening: Effective Tool in Drug Discovery
Omparkash Sharma, Ankita Kotnala, Birendra Shrivastva, Rajeev K Singla
134-150 1548
14.pdf Smilax Zeylanica Linn. - A Natural Therapeutic Hub
Vikas Hooda, Ganesh N Sharma, Rajeev K Singla
151-154 167
15.pdf Healthcare Workers and University Students’ Attitudes and Experiences About Pandemic Influenza A (H1N1) Vaccination
Nefize Turan, Basak Donertas, Aydin Gundogmus, Emre Koc, Ahmet Akici
155-171 273
16.pdf Comparing Hypoglycemic Activity of Nopales (Opuntia Species) with Conventional Anti-Diabetic In Diabetic Rat Model
D Sindhu, MDPS Praveena, Bharti Chogtu, KLBairy
172-177 203
17.pdf Prevalnce of Colorectal Cancer In Eritrea and Its Association with Life Style and Nutrition
Anghesom Ambesajir, Yakob Ghebrekristos, Debesai Gaim, Dige Andom
178-193 2303
18.pdf Emergence of Multi Drug Resistant Bacteria in Suppurative Infection: A Threat For Tomorrow
Kothari S, Patel P, Bharat S
194-203 223
19.pdf Immunomodulatory Activity of Bridelia Retusa
204-207 133
20.pdf A Review on Chitosan Based Nanoparticle as a New Ocular Drug Delivery
Murugesh Shivashankar. Sistla Srujana. Badal Kumar Mandal
208-221 1091
21.pdf Formulation and Evaluation of Oro Dispersible Tablets of Clonazepam by Direct Compression Method
Thakkar Hardik R, A.Senthil, Ravikumar, V.B. Narayana Swamy
222-233 256
22.pdf Design and Evalution of Gastroretentive Floating Tablets of Cephalexin
A.Senthil, V. Vijay Kumar, P. Suresh kumar, Ravikumar, B. Bhagya Lakshmi
234-246 246
23.pdf Potential Challenges For India in Product Registrations with Special Focus on Therapeutic Category with U.S. - FDA – A Perspective Analysis
Uma Vasireddy, G. Krishna Mohan, M.Lakshmi Narasu, P.V. Appaji
247-265 1131
24.pdf Antipyretic Evaluation of Synthesized Semicarbazone Derivatives
Manmohan Singhal, Arindam Paul, Hemendra Pratap Singh
266-270 133
25.pdf Phytochemical Screening and Antibacterial Activity of a Few Medicinal Plants Against Xanthomonas Campestris
A. John De Britto, D. Herin Sheeba Gracelin
271-277 170
26.pdf Formulation and Evaluation of Fast Dissolving Tablets of Lornoxicam
Ravi Kumar Nayak, Narayana Swamy VB, Senthil A, Thakkar Hardikkumar, Dave Mehul Kumar, Mahalaxmi R
287-290 949
27.pdf Investigation of Effect of Garlic Extract on the Hypolipidemic Effect of Ezetimibe
Girdhar Maheshwari, Sharad Prakash Pandey, Harinarayan Singh Chandel, Anoop Chadoker, Raj Kumar Keservani, Anil Kumar Sharma
291-295 129
28.pdf Obesity and Associated Disorders
Krishan P, Singh Randhir
296-308 271
29.pdf Formulation and Evaluation of Orodispersible Tablets of Pheniramine Maleate
Dave Mehul, A.Senthil, Thakkar Hardik R, Ravikumar, Lad Tejas
309-318 226
30.pdf Gold Nano particles in cancer treatment
Samifar.Shaik, Karthikeyan.R, Srinivas Babu.P
319-323 531
31.pdf Herbal Medicine and Diabetes Mellitus Management
Ozougwu, J. C.
324-336 98
32.pdf A Review on Comparative Study of Dossier Files Submission Process for Drug Product In USA and Europe
Devesh Sharma, Vandana Sharma, Birendra Shrivastava, Rajendra Kumar Songara
337-362 437
33.pdf A Review on Oxytocin as a Novel Uterine Stimulants
Vinit Garg, Anurag Singh , Rajendra Kumar Songara, Surabhi Bhatnagar.
363-371 162
34.pdf Evaluation of Antibacterial Activity of Synthesized Methylsemicarbazone Derivatives
Manmohan Singhal, Arindam Paul
372-375 119
35.pdf Generic Drugs and Bioequivalence for its Approval
K.H.Barve and Nidhiben Trangdiya
376-383 167
36.pdf A Review on Phytochemical and Pharmacological Profile of Euphorbia Tirucalli
Charles Lekhya Priya and Kokati Venkata Bhaskara Rao
384-390 456
37.pdf Thin Layer Chromatographic Studies and Evaluation of Analgesic Activity of Andrographis Paniculata Leaf Extracts in Mice
J. N. Pande, Moulisha Biswas, L. K. Ghosh, B. K. Gupta
391-396 439
38.pdf Conventional Topical Treatments of Psoriasis
Niraj Kansara, Manmohan Singhal
397-407 183
39.pdf Phytochemicals of Nutraceutical Importance: Their Role In Health and Diseases
Girish Sharma, Ashwani K. Srivastava and Dhan Prakash
408-427 238
40.pdf Some Medicinal Plants of Uttarakhand (India) with Antimicrobial Activity- A Review
Rekha Bisht, S. Bhattacharaya
428-439 230
41.pdf An Insight on Centella Asiatica Linn. : a Review on Recent Research
Kripi Vohra, Gagandeep Pal, Vivek Kumar Gupta, Satnam Singh, Yogesh Bansal
440-462 621
42.pdf Design and Evaluation of HPMC and Xanthan Gum-Based Sustained Release Matrix Tablets of Theophylline
Sachin Atri, Shalini Gupta, Sukhbir Lal Khokra, Ram Kumar Sahu, Rajendra Jangde
463-469 156
43.pdf Significant Combination of Preferential COX-2 Inhibitor and Non-Anticholinergic Spasmolytic Used In Labor Augmentation
Ajay K. Tiwari, Abhishek Rajpoot, Manmohan Singhal, Harsh Shah, Ranjan Bairwa, Rajendra K. Songara
470-476 557
44.pdf Medicinal Uses of Trachyspermum Ammi: A Review
Bairwa Ranjan, Singhal Manmohan, Sodha Ravindra Singh, Rajawat Balwant Singh, Tiwari Ajay Kumar
477-485 176
45.pdf Pegylated Dendrimeric Scaffold Reduces Toxicity in Anticancer Bioactive Targeting
Ramadoss Karthikeyan, Arulsamy Elphine prabahar and PalanirajanVijayarajkumar
486-490 288
46.pdf Spectrophotometric Estimation of Moxifloxacin in Bulk and its Pharmaceutical Formulations
S. K. Sahu, Md. Afzal Azam , Dipansu Sahu, and M. Banarjee,
491-502 179
47.pdf Development and In Vitro Evaluation of Sustained Release Matrix Tablets of Losartan Potassium
Ravi Kumar Nayak, Narayana Swamy VB, Senthil A, Mahalaxmi R
503-530 1533
48.pdf Diabetes Mellitus. A Review.
Ozougwu, J. C and Soniran, O. T.
531-543 209
49.pdf Holoptelea Integrifolia (Roxb.) Planch- A Review
Nadella Durga, Padmaa M Paarakh
544-55 1604
50.pdf Analgesic Activity of Aqueous and Alcohol Root Extracts of Asparagus Racemosus Willd.
Fasalu Rahiman O.M, Bodapati Srilatha, Rupesh Kumar M, Mohamed Niyas k, Satya Kumar B, Phaneendra P
558-562 148
51.pdf Potentiation of Anti-Diabetic Effect of Metformin and Sitagliptin with Ofloxacin in Alloxan Induced Diabetic Rabbits
Hemant Nagar, Deepak Kumar Jain, Ravi S. Soni and H. S. Chandel
563-567 132
52.pdf Diuretic Activity of Aqueous Extracts of Michelia Champaca L. Leaves And Stem Bark in Rats
Hafsa Ahmad, Vasundhara Saxena, Anurag Mishra, Rajiv Gupta
568-574 195
53.pdf An Overview on Supercritical Fluid Extraction for Herbal Drugs
Karale Chandrakant K, Dere Pravin J., Honde Bharat S. ,Kothule Sachin,Kote Amol P.
575-596 3885
54.pdf Millingtonia hortensis Linn. - a review
Nagaraja MS, Padmaa M Paarakh
597-602 437
55.pdf Role of Oxidative Stress in Pathogenesis of Diabetes and Its Complications
Amol Bhalchandra Deore, Vinayak Dnyandev Sapakal, Nilofar S. Naikwade
603-621 1649
56.pdf Formulation and Evaluation of Mouth Dissolving Tablets of Ondansetron Hydrochloride
Thakkar Hardik R, A Senthil, Narayana Swamy VB
622-632 1497
57.pdf Hedychium spicatum Buch.Ham. – An Overview
Sravani T, Padmaa M Paarakh*
633-642 431
58.pdf Antioxidant Activity of Different Extracts of Stem bark of Millingtonia hortensis Linn
Nagaraja MS, Padmaa M Paarakh
643-649 142
59.pdf In Vitro Growth and Inhibition Studies of Ceiba Pentandra on Monosodium Urate Monohydrate Crystals
Ankur Choubey, U K Patil
650-656 156
60.pdf Anti-Inflammatory Activity of the Barks of Saraca Indica Linn
Preethi .F., Krishnakumar. K,
657-662 139
61.pdf Preparation and Evaluation of Herbal Tooth Powder Composed of Herbal Drugs with Antimicrobial Screening.
Pawar C. R., Gaikwad A. A and Kadtan R.B.
663-670 167
62.pdf Transcription Factors in Response to Oxidative Stress: Implications for Atherosclerosis-Related Inflammation.
Livan Delgado Roche
671-678 166
63.pdf Isolation of Pure Culture of Bacteria From Soil and Study their Antimicrobial Activity
Sneha Wankhade, Sunil Hadke, Rajesh Oswal, Nitin Londhe, Trushal Chorage
679-684 658
701-836 1540
65.pdf Analgesic Activity of Pandanus Fascicularis Lam.
Udupa AL, Nkemcho Ojeh, Subir Gupta, Ratnakar U P, Vijayalakshmi, Ravindrasingh Rajput, Amruta rajput,Shubha HV, Deepa Benegal, Adarsh Benegal, Sahana Rao, Sanjana Rao, Nisarga S.
837-840 129
66.pdf Antibacterial Activity of Millingtonia Hortensis Linn Stem Bark
Nagaraja M S, Padmaa M Paarakh
841-844 134
67.pdf Ethnopharmacoloy, Pharmacognosy and Phytochemical Profile of Allium Sativum L.: A Review
Nilesh S. Pendbhaje, Amit. P. Narang , Shahin. M. Pathan, Santosh. A. Raotole, and Seema. V. Pattewar
845-853 482
68.pdf Prognostic Factors in Patients With Sepsis Syndrome
Ashok Shenoy K, Prabha Adhikari MR, Mukta N.Chowta, Sheetal D.Ullal, Gopalakrishna HN, Rathnakar UP, Sudhakar P, Unnikrishnan B
854-858 126
69.pdf Principles of Drug Used In Pregnancy and Lactation
Ramachandra. K., Narendranath.S., H.S. Somashekar, Navin.A.Patil, Prabhakar Adake,Ramachandra. K., Narendranath.S., H.S. Somashekar, Navin.A.Patil, Prabhakar Adake,
859-870 263
70.pdf Formulation and Characterization of Alginate Beads for Controlled Release of Lansoprazole
Saloni Kakkar, R.S Gaud, Pravin Shende, Jaimin Patel, Aakash Deep, Ravi D Acharya
871-878 3146
71.pdf Formulation and Development of Sustained Release Matrix Tablets Containing Metformin Hydrochloride
Deepak Gupta, Shalini Sharma, Sukhbir Lal Khokra, Ram Kumar Sahu
879-885 155
72.pdf An Evaluation of Antimicrobial Activities of Root Extract of Calendula Officinalis (Linn.)
Prashant Tiwari, Ritesh Jain, Kuldeep Kumar, Rajnikant Panik, Pratap Kumar Sahu
886-892 863
73.pdf A Study of Self-Medication and Associated Adverse Consequences Among College Students in Northern India
Shalini, Sangeeta Agarwal, Joshi MC
893-897 118
74.pdf Synergistic Action of Two Indian Medicinal Plants on Clinical Isolates of Vancomycin Resistant Enterococci Species
Jasmine R, Selvakumar BN
898-904 175
75.pdf Neuropharmacological and Antidiarrhoeal Activity of Ethanolic Extract of Salvia Hypoleuca In Rat
Nasim Javdan, Jasem Estakhr
905-910 145
911-918 2220
77.pdf Fast Dissolving Films (FDF) : Innovative Drug Delivery System
Sandeep Saini, Arun Nanda, Monika Hooda, Komal
919-928 624
929-962 765
79.pdf Synthesis ,Characterization and Antimicrobial Actvity of Novel Analogues of Flavones
B.S.Jayashree, Abhishekh Kumar, Aravinda Pai, Yogendra Nayak
963-973 280
80.pdf Prevalence of Fascioliasis in Cows and Buffaloes in Quetta, Pakistan
Mahrukh Naseem Kakar, M. Irfan Masood, Khalid Hussain Janbaz, M. Imran Qadir, Imran Masood and Juma Khan Kakarsulemankhel
974-978 200
81.pdf Ethnopharmacology, Phytochemistry and Bioactivity of Asparagus Racemosus: An Update
Nagar BP, Dutt Garg V, Dhiman A
979-994 263
82.pdf Anticoagulant Activity of Substituted Hydroxy Propoxycoumarin Derivatives
B L Thumber, V G Vasoya, T R Desai, Y T Naliapara
994-999 153
83.pdf Prescribing Pattern in Acute Gastroenteritis among Pediatric Patients an a Teaching Hospital
Kiran Lakkol Jambulingappa, Shivashankaramurthy Kallappa Gurusiddappa, Narendranath Sanji, Darshan Prakash
1000-1006 143
84.pdf Synergistic Anthelmintic Activity of Rhizomes of Acorus Calamus and Aerial Part of Cleome Viscosa.
Abhijit N. Merekar, Smita K. Parjane, Sunil A. Nirmal, Ravindra B. Laware, and Daina S. Patel
1007-1009 157
85.pdf Anticoagulant Activity of Methylated Coumarin Derivatives
B L Thumber, V G Vasoya, T R Desai, Y T Naliapara, K V Shah, P R Tirgar
1010-1017 1646
86.pdf Newer Targets For Cancer: A Review
Shvetank Bhatt, Rahul Panjwani, Baldev Gautam, Ankur Jindal and Radhakrishnan Mahesh
1018-1031 3611
87.pdf Pharmacological Studies on Glycyrrhiza Glabra: A Review
K. Harwansh, K. C. Patra, S. K. Pareta, J. Singh, R. Biswas
1032-1038 199
88.pdf Salivary Diagnosis of Periodontitis Status: A Review
Afsaneh Rezaei and Reyhaneh Sariri
1039-1056 246
89.pdf Curcumin: A Phytoconstituent of Choice
Deepak Phogat, Rajeev K Singla
1055-1071 231
90.pdf Thiazole: A Remarkable Antimicrobial And Antioxidant Agents
Ankit Kr. Jain, Rajeev k Singla, Birendra Shrivastava
1072-1084 216
91.pdf Renin Inhibitor: An Overview
Rajesh Saini, Rajeev K Singla
1085-1104 305
92.pdf A Review on Phytopharmacology and Micropropagation of Spilanthes Acmella
Jyoti Sahu, Kirti Jain, Bharti Jain, Ram Kumar Sahu
1105-1110 156
93.pdf Investigation of Preliminary Phyto Chemical and Anti Microbial Activity of Tecomaria Capensis (Thunb) Spach Leaves Extract
Elamaran Tamiljothi, P.Durga Nithya, T.H.N.V.Lakshmi, Suba Kumaravalan.
1111-1114 137
94.pdf Evaluation of Cardiac Depressant Activity of the Diffrent Extracts of Tecomaria Capensis (Thunb) Spach. Leaves
Elamaran Tamil Jothi, K.V.Gopichand, A.Sriram, V.Suba Kumaravalan
1115-1118 140
95.pdf Study About Health Consciousness and Awareness of Blood Groups in the Selected Population of University Of Sargodha, Pakistan
Alamgeer, Nabeela Noor, Hafeez Ullah Khan and Shazia Akram
1119-1125 234
96.pdf Evaluation of Anti-Asthmatic Potential of Ethyl Acetate Fraction of Pluchea Lanceolata
Rashmi Arora, N. S. Gill, Veneet Kumar Dhingra, A.C. Rana
1126-1133 164
97.pdf In-Vitro Antioxidant Activities of Methanolic Extract from Whole Plant of Teramnus Labialis (Linn.)
G.Alagumani Vasagam,A.Kottai Muthu , R.Manavalan.
1134-1139 153
1140-1160 1173
99.pdf Formulation Development and Evaluation of Suspension of Gatifloxacin using Suspending Agent
Rajendra Jangde, Sanjay J. Daharwal, Ram Kumar Sahu, Jagdish Singh
1161-1170 1454
100.pdf Pharmacognostic and Antimicrobial Studies of the Leaves of Tabernaemontana Divaricata R.Br.
Chanchal N. Raj, A. Balasubramaniam
1171-1177 1080
101.pdf Gcms Studies of Abrus Precatorius
Raghunath Pokharkar1 Rajeshwari Saraswat,Vandana Bhavare 3and Minal Kanawade
1178-1189 182
102.pdf Antiulcer Activity of Ethanolic Extract of Leptadenia Reticulata Leaves
Surendra Bodhanapu, Sreedhar S, Pasumarthi Phaneendra, Tamizhmani, Satya kumar B
1190-1196 444
103.pdf Formulation, Development and Evaluation of Sustained Release Matrix Tablets Containing Salbutamol Sulphate
Puneet Punj Sharma, Shalini Sharma, Sukhbir Lal Khokra, Ram Kumar Sahu, Rajendra Jangde, Jagdish Singh
1197-1203 153
104.pdf A Study of Self-Medication and Associated Adverse Consequences Among College Students in Northern India
Shalini, Sangeeta Agarwal, Joshi MC
1204-1208 116
105.pdf Effect of Atorvastatin on C-Reactive Protein in Coronary Heart Disease Patients
Pushpendra K. Sharma, Avinash Laddha, Ankur Garg, Saurabh Gupta
1209-1211 155
106.pdf Evaluation of Wound Healing Activity of Crude Extract of Vitex Negundo on Rats
Karan Gupta, Shalini Sharma, Sukhbir Lal Khokra, Ram Kumar Sahu, Rajendra Jangde
1212-1216 147
107.pdf Anti-Ulcerogenic Effect of 2-(Pyrimidinylsulfinyl) Benzimidazole Derivative Against Different Ulcerogenic Agents In Rats
Farhan Khan, Sayyed Nadeem
1217-1222 183
108.pdf Medicinal Plants: Genetic and Pharmacological Perspective
Vedpriya Arya
1223-1230 190
109.pdf Pharmacognostic and Antimicrobial Studies of the Leaves of Tabernaemontana Divaricata R.Br.
Chanchal N. Raj, A. Balasubramaniam
1231-1237 1080
110.pdf Formulation and Evaluation of Cyperus Rotundus and Cucumis Sativus Based Herbal Face Cream
Anurag Rajvanshi, Shalini Sharma, Sukhbir Lal Khokra, Ram Kumar Sahu, Rajendra Jangde
1238-1244 164
111.pdf Validated RP-HPLC Method for Simultaneous Determination of Drotaverine and Nimesulide and Its Application in Drug Formulation
Kuldeep Chouhan, Aparna Venugopal, Lucky Soni, Chanchal Raj, Sayyed Nadeem and Navin Raj
1245-1252 166
112.pdf In Vitro Anthelmintic Activity of Root of Homonoia Riparia Lour. Against Pheretima Posthuma
Satish Kumar B.N; Sanjay Prahlad Umachigi;Vrushabendra Swamy B.M; Syed Bila;
1253-1257 149
113.pdf Preparation and Evaluation of Herbal Cosmetic Cream
Mandeep Singh, Shalini Sharma, Sukhbir Lal Khokra, Ram Kumar Sahu, Rajendra Jangde
1258-1264 162
114.pdf Mucilages and Their Pharmaceutical Applications: an Overview
Yashpal Singh Sangwan, Savita Sngwan, Pawan Jalwal, Krishna Murti, Manish Kaushik
1265-1271 169
115.pdf Strategies & Considerations for Bio Analytical Method Development and Validation Using LCMS/MS: A Review
Kuldeep Malodia, Rahul Sharma, Vaibhav Gupta, Sunil Kumar, Yashpal Singh
1272-1283 208
116.pdf Validated RP-HPLC Method for Simultaneous Determination of Drotaverine and Paracetamol and its Application in Drug Formulation
Navin Raj, Lucky Soni, Chanchal Raj, Sayyed Nadeem, Aparna Venugopal and Kuldeep Chouhan
1284-1291 575
117.pdf Low-Density Lipoprotein Retention: Implications for Atherosclerosis Development.
Livan Delgado Roche, Raynel Acosta Bernal
1292-1297 144
118.pdf Anthelmintic and Anticonvulsant Studies of Ethanolic Extract of Benincasa Hispida Seeds.
Zulfkar Latief Qadrie, R.Anandan, Md. Mushtaque, K. Asok Kumar, Humaira Ashraf
1298-1302 162
119.pdf Antimicrobial Activity of Corchorus Olitorius. L
D.Ramadevi and S.Ganapaty
1303-1308 148
120.pdf Microbes as Potential Source of Biocolours
Charu Gupta, Amar P. Garg, Dhan Prakash, Sudha Goyal and Sneh Gupta
1309-1318 179
121.pdf Stress and Its Management: A Review
Vinayak M Gaware, Archana Chavanke, Ramdas T Dolas, Kiran B Kotade, Kiran B Dhamak, Sachin B Somwanshi, Vikrant K Nikam, Autal N Khadse, Prajakta R Gangurde
1319-1334 2182
122.pdf Laughter Therapy and Its Benefits
Kiran B. Dhamak, Kiran B. Kotade Vinayak M. Gaware, Atul N. Khadse, Sachin B. Somwanshi, Ramdas T. Dolas, Vikrant K. Nikam
1335-1340 152
123.pdf Different Approaches To Colon Specific Drug Delivery: A Review
Jitender Kumar Sharma, N. V. Satheesh Madhav, Abhijeet Ojha, Poonam Singh
1341-1354 958
124.pdf Phytopharmacological Review of Vitex Negundo (Sambhalu)
Pradeep Singh, Garima Mishra, Sourabh Srivastava, Shruti Srivastava, Sangeeta, K. K. Jha, R. L. Khosa
1355-1385 823
125.pdf Pharmacognostic Profiles of Leaves of Coccinia Grandis (L.) Voigt.
M. Kundu, R. Mazumder, M.D. Kushwaha and G.S. Chakraborthy
1386-1392 147
126.pdf Pharmacokinetic Variations In Kidney Disorders And Its Clinical Implications
Navin A Patil, H.S. Somashekar, Narendranath.S, Ramachandra K, Prashanth P, Suneel Kumar Reddy
1393-1410 312
127.pdf Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of New Acetylated Pyrazoline Analogues
Kunal Suman, Ruchi Kumari, Atulya M, Jesil Mathew A, Ethiraj K R
1411-1416 165
128.pdf A Review : Pharmacovigilance Importance And Current Regulations
Priyam Srivastava, Pramod Kumar, Avinash Sharma, Yozana Upadhyay,
1417-1426 772
129.pdf Antibacterial Activity of Root of Lantana camera Linn
Harsha Vardhana S
1427-1430 43
130.pdf Thin Layer Chromatographic Studies and Assessment of Anti-Inflammatory Effect of Hibiscus Schizopetalus Leaf Extracts In Mice
Sujoy Pal, Jaydeep Sarkar, Sanjib Bhattacharya, Moulisha Biswas
1431-1436 316
131.pdf Macroscopic, Microscopic and Histological Evaluation of Lead Induced Encephalopathy in Swiss Albino Mice Pups.
Sachdev Yadav, Dr. Veena Sharma
1437-1440 787

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